Re: Post Ratios

I realize now that Post Ratios is mostly untrue.

I was being very productive the week of that post, and just looking at the “stagnation” of my Posts page was bumming me out a bit. Infinite exponential growth is always fun to see, and I was doing it everywhere but there. The weird thing about it is that it’s all entirely a “hobby?” to write such things, and I felt pressured to write at least something to “justify” it.

I’m entirely problematic, I just solve my problems.

I derive solutions to problems and just implement them without feeling too confused about anything, and that’s probably a good thing! It’s all just so fluid that I don’t think “hmm, maybe I should write about this?” so I just continue about my day, in saerch of the ever-looming Writable Problem. And that problem will never exist for as long as I solve my problems fast enough, so to say.

There’s supposed to be a Post Ratio!

An amazing revelation I stumbled upon while thinking about Post Ratios, and the general divide of personal vs impersonal posts: It’s incredibly easy to write about myself, so logically I’d do it more. A 1:1 ratio is inattainable simply due to the objective difference in ease of creation.

So should I celebrate this ratio? Nah. What good’s an impersonal section that never gets used? These are split for a reason. And it’s nice to provide information to people that isn’t just about me.

As a general baseline, though, I’ll try to never let the ratio fall to 1:10

I love the word “ratio” for a plethora of reasons. It’s mathematical, has an unprcedented presence in essentially every social media app where it’s always funny to see, and just rolls off the tongue.