
With everything I make, I try to put a ‘lil unique spin on it, that’s what makes it a fun thing to make. After all, If it’s not special or challenges the status quo in some fashion, even the littlest, why must it exist? I give everything a sort of mission statement, something that makes it different from the rest.

Mission Statements

ELPath - I’ve seen a lot of sorting algorithm demonstrators, and a lot of pathfinding algorithm demonstrators, and I think they look real neat. But what if I made both of them in one thing?

Sorgra - ELPath, for the web. With greatly refined sorting demonstrations, and a rework to my step queueing system. Something that teachers could use, maybe.

Reguession - A “””fun””” game based on what I learned in AP Statistics. Also I wanted to see just what extent the concept of code reuse could be taken to, so I used much of the same general UI as Sorgra, just for the sake of it.

Melradar - Is song A really that much better than song B? Here’s the stats to back that up. Granted, you can’t really use the stats to judge musical superiority, but at least they’re interesting to look at. Also, I wanted to make a webapp without React.

Lotsaprojx has no mission statement, and isn’t anywhere close to a state of completion or identity.

Curious Curios

A word that describes this in a way that I don’t like is “gimmick”. I don’t want my stuff to be gimmicky, then it’s just existent for the sake of serving the gimmick. So I try to mix the simple stuff, the features that aren’t unique in, sometimes. Thus, my “gimmick” is actually a special defining feature, and the app/project is more full-fledged.

Keeps the sites and other things I make feeling special; not a gimmicky toy, a curio, if you will.