Committing to More Commits

Since around the beginning of Summer 2021 I put myself into a deep commitment of at least one commit per day. (ha!) I’ve kept good on that promise; some of the commits are for private code but a the majority, methinks are for public. Some of the commits change one ‘lil line of code, others are critical pillars of my apps spanning multiple files. Nonetheless, it’s at least one commit, daily, with some exceptions for particular occasions including Christmas and New Years, and I have no intention of stopping anytime soon.

Commit History 2022

A problem with this habit is that when I was starting, for the most part I wrote one commit per day. That’s not a knock on my productivity at all, a lot of the commits consist of a bunch of changes just packed into one commit. I’ve been making some efforts to change that, make frequent but smaller commits, but it’s a hard habit to break and it feels nice (but unhealthy) to code all day and then push one big chunk of changes out to mark my progress. It’s definitely not the ideal way of doing things, but I think it harms nobody and they’re my solo projects, I’ll commit if I want to.

The second problem is that big number at the top that says 971. I like big numbers, and every day that I don’t push more than one commit out per day that number either stays the same (or goes down.) I can’t have that, can I? I don’t know what end I’m pushing towards, but the means consist of me making more focused commits.